Friday, April 24, 2015


     This week I emailed a Special Ed teacher at a high school. He had told me that I wouldn't be able to visit because I said study in my email. I wanted to clarify what I mean by study. I want to go inside the lives of special needs kids.

     I do not what so ever want to study special needs kids. When I think of studying people, I think of experiments with rats in a lab. Testing them trying to see if they can get the cheese in the small corner. Poking them in the brains seeing if they react the same way as human beings. I want to learn about their lives, not study them.

        Special needs children and adults are very important to me. I do not want to harm them by going to see how they live during school. I feel that if you don't have anything to hide in the Special Ed class, what's the harm of letting a high schooler see how they do things in the classroom? Nothing. Nothing is wrong with it. Unless they are hiding something. So, I hope to go to this high school and see the teenagers in their classrooms. Hopefully this clarified concerns about my subject.


  1. so glad to see someone interested in this topic! Makes me happy to see you so interested in this topic.

  2. Caitlynn! I absolutely LOVE your blog. I love how you made a correction to what people are thinking and pointed out that you aren't trying to study them, but learn about them. I'm excited to see what you learn!

  3. This is so sweet of you. I agree with you if they don't have anything to hide they should let you go learn about their life style. I hope they accept to let you do that!!
