Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Emailing and Questioning

For a week I have been emailing a principle about visiting for a day to see how their special education goes through their day. I have yet received a email from them back. It has been very frustrating checking every day with nothing new. I am moving on to a different school hoping for better luck there.

On the brighter side, I have had asked parents of their children and have gotten responses. Both parents have a child with a rare disease. I asked them what are some struggles they face everyday with them blessing they have brought to the parents life. My mom also shared my blog page on FaceBook. Many people are interested in talking about their child or have information about someone else.

Hopefully this week is a better week with my project. I am going to start talking to more people about their children and hopefully get to spend a day with special education. I can't stress enough how this project is going to help not only me, but hopefully the parents too. Maybe helping them realize some things they never knew about their son,daughter, or friends.

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